HUAWEI TruSport Science-Based Research System

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HUAWEI TruSportTM Science-Based
Research System
HUAWEI TruSportTM professional running system, in Huawei wearable devices, scientifically evaluates your current running ability, records and analyses your training data, provides personalised training recommendations, and overall helps you consistently improve your running ability.
How to quantify your
current running
How to use Huawei
wearables to
determine the right
exercise intensity for
How to know the
appropriate training
How to develop a
periodic training plan
that fits your current
ability and desired
How to master correct
running posture.
Answers to all of the above can be found in the HUAWEI TruSportTM professional
athletic ability assessment system.
quantify your running ability
How to quantify
your current
running ability?
Running Ability Index

The Running Ability Index calculates your highest levels of endurance and running technique and predicts how well you will perform in competitive running.

To implement, wear your HUAWEI wearable device with heart-rate monitoring and GPS turned on when out on a run. Your Running Ability Index is based on your detected pace, heart rate and other data, without the need to run at maximum intensity. Once your run is over, you can instantly view your index and discover your current running ability.

running ability index
Running Ability Level Performance Running Ability Index
Marathon World Record 2:01:39 85.3
2.5-Hour Marathon 2:30:00 69.2
3-Hour Marathon 3:00:00 56.4
3.5-Hour Marathon 3:30:00 46.7
4-Hour Marathon 4:00:00 40.7
Performance Prediction

The Running Ability Index is designed to give users an indication of how well they will perform in running competitions of different distances. Based on the Running Ability Index, the runners' 5km, 10km, full marathon and half marathon running results can be predicted, which can help runners understand their level and better prepare for the race.

performance prediction
determine the right exercise intensity
How to use Huawei wearables to determine the right exercise intensity for you?
Dividing exercise intensity into different intervals is an important basis for training. Different training intensity intervals correspond to different training purposes. Generally speaking, exercise intensity can be divided into heart rate zone and pace zone.
Heart-Rate Zone

The heart rate zone for running training is usually measured by the heart rate reserve, which takes into account the resting heart rate and can better match individual training requirements. Heart rate reserve refers to the range of heart rate that can be reached during exercise, defined as the maximum heart rate reached during exercise minus your resting heart rate. Equation for calculating heart rate reserve interval: heart rate reserve percentage of the interval * heart rate reserve + resting heart rate.

heart rate zone
Pace Zone

Pace zone refers to the division of running pace into different intervals. These intervals can be used to measure training intensity and are used to guide running training for specific purposes. There is a corresponding relationship between the pace zone and the heart-rate zone. However, when the intensity requirements are switched during training, there is can be a differential between the actual exercise heart rate change and the pace. At this time, you can refer to the pace zone as the basis for training intensity.

The division of the pace zone is related to the Running Ability Index. The different value ranges of different runners in the same pace zone roughly reflects their differing levels. During a runner's training period, both the running performance and the Running Ability Index will change. At this time, you can also re-calculate and set the pace zone based on this new data.

pace zone
appropriate training time
How to know the
appropriate training time
Training load measures the amount of
exercise, training pressure and post-workout recovery, and provides a reference for daily running training. For advanced runners and elite runners, a long-term system training process is provided.
The physical fitness/fatigue index and the current training performance evaluation data updates over time, helping you train at a reasonable pace, step by step, and scientifically improves your performance.
Training Load
Training load is calculated based on running distance and duration, and also takes into account stress to the body caused by running workouts, and therefore more accurately tracks the impact of training on the body. The training load is measured based on cumulative training intensity within the time spent running.
HUAWEI TruSportTM displays a 7-day daily training load as a bar graph, presenting changes in training load over seven consecutive days. When training is implemented correctly, the training load will fluctuate up and down so that the body can be properly rested after high-load training. Only after a certain period of recovery will you receive more high-load training, so as to avoid physical injury due to overtraining.
Training Load
Training Load
Training Stress
During exercise, the aerobic system and anaerobic system can function simultaneously. Stress to the body during exercise can be divided into aerobic training stress and anaerobic training stress. Aerobic training stress refers to the level of training stimulation generated by a single exercise on the aerobic system of the body. Aerobic training stress can help improve aerobic metabolism and effectively aid fat-burning, and has an important role in improving aerobic endurance and sports performance. Anaerobic training pressure refers to the level of training stimulation that a single exercise produces on the body's anaerobic system. High-intensity training load stimulates the anaerobic system. The anaerobic training streess generated at this time is conducive to the improvement of running speed. High-intensity training can be carried out in an intermittent manner.
Aerobic Anaerobic Training Stress
Recovery Time/Degree of Recovery

Recovery time refers to the time required to fully recover from fatigue caused by training stress. The degree of recovery reflects the degree of physical recovery after a single training session. High-stress training stimulation requires a longer recovery time. The length of recovery time is calculated based on any remaining recovery time prior to an exercise plus the level of training stress caused by the latest workout.

Recovery Time Degree of Recovery
Resting Heart Rate
Resting heart rate refers to the stable heart rate measured when a person is awake and at rest, and is an important indicator for measuring heart health. With the help of Huawei wearable devices, you can automatically track your resting state so as to obtain resting heart rate data. When problems arise, such as exercise fatigue, illness or lack of sleep, the body needs a higher metabolic level to recover, and the resting heart rate will become higher. From the perspective of training, resting heart rate can also be used to determine the burden of training load or insufficient rest on the body.
Resting Heart Rate
Heart-Rate Recovery

Recovery heart rate refers to the difference between the heart rate at different time periods and the peak heart rate during exercise. The speed of heart rate recovery after exercise can be used to measure a runner's ability to adapt to the training load. The faster a runner's heartbeat recovers after exercise, the higher the aerobic capacity. Huawei wearable devices automatically calculate and record the recovery heart rate 1 to 2 minutes after the end of the activity, and evaluate aerobic capacity and physical recovery capacity.

Heart Rate Recovery
Maximum Oxygen Uptake

Maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 Max) refers to the amount of oxygen used by the body per unit of weight per unit of time during maximum load exercise. The maximum oxygen uptake is an important indicator of aerobic exercise capacity. Generally speaking, the higher the maximum oxygen uptake, the higher the efficiency of providing energy during exercise and the better the exercise performance. Traditional measurement methods require subjects to reach a state of exercise exhaustion. With the help of Huawei wearable devices, however, the maximum oxygen uptake can be accurately estimated based on PPG sensors and data. Maximum oxygen uptake is an important reference for endurance exercise evaluation, but is not the only indicator of performance. Development of overall physical fitness, mastery of technique, and scientific and systematic training are all key to improving performance.

maximum oxygen uptake
Training Index/Physical Fitness Index/Fatigue Index
Training Index refers to the exercise performance estimate based on the long-term changes in physical fitness and fatigue during periodic system training. Training Index is not only determined on the basis of physical fitness, it is also affected by fatigue. A long-term training plan needs to take into account the combination of effective training stimulation plus appropriate rest, in order to most effectively aid in improvement. Training Index measures the effectiveness of long-term training, as well as providing a reference for pre-race training adjustments. Runners can know the status and effectiveness of their training plans according to the range and changes of the Training Index, so that they can make appropriate adjustments to their training and weight-loss.
Training index
Training Index
3 and above
0.5 to 3
-6 to 0.5
-16 to -6
-16 and below
very poor
Explanation and Suggestions
exellent After the targeted training phase, the exercise performance is adjusted to the best state through training reduction, and it is an ideal time to participate in the competition or test.
good The body recovers from the fatigue of training for good exercise performance.
normal In lightweight periodic training, the corresponding training can be easily completed in this range.
poor The body has built up a certain amount of fatigue, and can feel the effects of training pressure. Reduction or rest is usually recommended; however, as periodical training, it is sometimes necessary to purposely increase the training load for a period of time, and adjust the training to this state, so that the training index can increase significantly after the reduction period.
very poor Training is beyond the body's tolerance, and rest is recommended.
Develop training plan
How to develop a periodic training plan that fits your current ability and desired goals.
Personalised Running Plan
The running plan pays attention to the each individual's running ability, based on individual physiological indicators, running power level and training conditions, and recommends training in accordance with the individual's aptitude, organises workouts of differing difficulty levels, tailored for different training purposes and training cycles.
personalised running plan
personalised running plan
Scientific Training Plan

A well-designed training plan should see a gradual increase in training load, in order to most effectively improve athletic ability. If the training load increases suddenly, the body needs more time to adapt, thus undermining the effectiveness of the training. The increase in the training load will also increase chance of injury. But a training load that does not increase will make the body's ability improvement become insignificant after the body adapts.

For example with marathon training, the total training plan is divided into a base period, an improvement period, a consolidation period, and a weight reduction period. Workouts for each stage are formulated to achieve specific training objectives.

scientific training plan
Introducing Strength Training
As part of a well-rounded running training plan, strength training is very important. The upper limbs, lower limbs, and trunk should be trained appropriately. Improvements in the strength of these muscles aid in the coordination of the running gait, a stable core, and the correct foot landing. Strength training is introduced to the training plan to help improve the level of muscle endurance, improve exercise efficiency, and reduce exercise risks.
Training Purpose
Main Course Schedule
Training adaptation, basic endurance
Easy running, aerobic running, middle distance jogging, etc.
Improve the VO2 Max level
and aerobic endurance
High-intensity interval, aerobic running, long-distance jogging, etc.
Improves lactate tolerance and
long-distance aerobic endurance
Rhythm running, cruising interval running, long distance jogging, etc.
Pace adaptation and adjustment
of pre-match state
Marathon pace running, easy running, etc.
Smart Dynamic Adjustment Plan
Engaging in a training plan is affected by a host of factors, including different individual abilities, the training status, rest and fatigue status, daily life stressors, as well as the psychological influences. Ensuring a certain level of adjustment within a training plan helps alleviate these factors, so that the runners have room to complete the training plan in a way that suits them.
Introducing Strength Training
master the correct running posture
How to master the correct running posture
HUAWEI S-TAG allows for accurate monitoring of running posture, and together with the running posture improvement reommendations jointly developed by Huawei and the National Institute of Sports Science, can greatly aid in the improvement of running posture and efficiency. The software interprets running ability from the running posture data, explains the factors that affect efficiency and prevent injury, and offers recommendations for improving running efficiency while consuming less energy.
When running at a specific pace, a higher cadence means smaller strides with fewer fluctuations in the center of gravity, effectively reducing the impact of landing and the probability of knee injury. In sprinting, because of the pursuit of short-term speed, the large physical consumption associated with too high a cadence is often overlooked. For long-distance running a cadence of around 180 steps per minute is usually recommended. When cadence is at this level, heart rate and energy consumption are low, while running efficiency is high.
Ground Contact Time

One step time (1/step frequency) = hang time + ground contact time

When running, forward movement is only achieved when the feet are off the ground, therefore the longer your shoes are in contact with the ground, the poorer the running efficiency.

In order to improve your running efficiency, therefore, decreasing ground contact time is key. Comparing your ground contact time before and after a period of training is vital for charting training efficacy.

Ground Contact Time
Flight Ratio
Contact time ratio is the ratio of the ground contact time to the hang time. The smaller the flight ratio, the shorter the landing transition time for each step. The lighter and smoother the running posture, the higher the running efficiency. Generally, top marathon runners have a flight ratio of about 1.0, top sprinters have a touchdown ratio of about 0.5, and ordinary runners have a flight ratio of about 2.0.
Flight Ratio
ground contact time / hang time = 1.25
ground contact
Vertical Oscillation

Vertical oscillation refers to the height of the vertical movement of the body's center of gravity during exercise. Generally speaking, the larger the oscillation, the more energy wasted. When skipping rope, for example, no matter how high the jump, no forward motion is achieved, increasing the burden on the muscles. Therefore, the higher the oscillation, the worse the efficiency and the greater the impact force on the foot, bring ing a greater risk of injury.

However, if vertical oscillation is too low, it can cause a decrease in flight time, reducing the size of the stride and the decreasing speed. Therefore, maintaining a low vertical oscillation while also maintaining large strides is the goal of elite runners. When two runners are running at the same pace, the runner with a lower vertical oscilation enjoys higher efficiency, lower muscle output, and less risk of fatigue and/or injury.

Some runners will notice a decrease in the vertical oscillation due to the weakness of their legs after fatigue, so this type of runner should add strength training to their regimen.

Vertical Oscillation
Vertical oscillation = 8.6 cm
Vertical Ratio
Vertical ratio is the ratio of the vertical amplitude to the stride length. It is an index used to evaluate running efficiency. For the same stride length, the smaller the vertical ratio, the less energy spent in the vertical direction, and therefore the greater the forward motion and running efficiency.
Vertical Ratio
Stride = 1.14 m
Vertical Loading Rate
Vertical loading rate refers to the average slope (unit: BW/s) of the vertical reaction force curve between 20% and 80% of the active peak. The greater the vertical loading rate, the faster the growth rate of impact force when landing, and the higher the risk of injury.
Vertical Loading Rate
Swing Angle
When running, kicking back the legs can effectively reduce the length of the moment arm, thereby increasing the speed of the swing. At faster speeds, a skilled runner will make the swing angle higher. However, an overly large swing angle is not desirable, since it will not increase speed, but only waste body energy.

Desirable swing angles:

• Greater than 70 degrees when jogging

• Between 90 and 110 degrees at medium speed

• Greater than 110 degrees at high speed

Swing Angle
GC Time Balance
GC time balance is the ratio of the time that the left foot touches the ground versus the right foot. The balance of the time of the left and right feet touching the ground when running is used to measure the symmetry of running. The ideal value is about 50-50%. The smaller the difference, the better the running symmetry. Long-term severe imbalance between left and right may increase the risk of injury on one side of the lower limbs.

•> L51.5
- The left foot touches the ground for a long time

- Touch time for the left foot is slightly longer

- Left and right ground contact time balance

- The touch time for the right foot is slightly longer

•> R51.5
- The right foot touches the ground for a long time

GC Time Balance
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